Leveraging the potential of water digital twin and water analytics tools

Lemesos District, Cyprus

The District Local Government Organisation of Limassol (EOAL) supplies water to approximately 110,000 properties, and a population of 170,000 people. During the last 10 years, the EOAL has invested in its infrastructure digitization, expanding the technological innovation of its infrastructure and pilot testing state-of-the-art data-intensive technologies. Among its adopted technological innovations, EOAL is using the WaterAnalytics tool of partner PHOEBE for the intelligent water hydraulics and quality monitoring and diagnostics. WaterAnalytics offers tools for the compliance with the EU Directives, for creating and managing a Digital Twin of the Water Distribution Network and for monitoring and controlling the network through an integrated IoT Platform. The tool retrieves real-time data of the SCADA and other IoT deployments from the water network and combines it with the network structure in order to execute simulation scenarios. Beyond its operational use, the collected and processed data can become a booster for innovation for different stakeholders.

WATERVERSE is expected to turn the management of the water distribution network more efficient, thus bringing benefits for the whole community in terms of water consumption and water quality.