Organisational structure

The aim of this Work Package is to coordinate project activities in order to assure the excellence of the project outcome by managing the project to time and budget, co-ordinating the activities, monitoring and adjusting the implementation plan if needed, and by monitoring the data management and the ethics.
The main goal of the Work Package is to characterize the overall context regarding Data Management in the Water domain by:
- Mapping and engaging the main actors in the water domain through a dedicated framework.
- Collecting Data Management requirements by decomposing the use cases and pilots in terms of data pipelines.
- Defining the framework which provides the goals, metrics, procedures and validation criteria for the Data Management Ecosystem in terms of Quality.
- Addressing the architectural design of the Data Management Ecosystem to deliver the technical blueprint which will guide the implementation of the different components and pipelines.
The aim of this Work Package is to setup the overall WATERVERSE management ecosystem by:
- Tailoring tools and data resources for supporting the different necessities of data management in the water sector.
- Developing the appropriate cybersecurity measures for making data management a secure, trustful and privacy preserving practice.
- Developing dedicated methods/components/tools for minimizing energy consumption of the tools.
- Integrating the different tools and data resources in a coherent, modular and easy to use ecosystem.
The purpose of the Work Package is to focus on the realisation of FAIR Digital Objects, which may represent data, software or other research resources generated by the Project in the water sector. Additionally, WATERVERSE will move beyond FAIRness principles and adopt mainly the dissemination and reputation concepts of MELODA5 inside the FAIR Guidelines. WATERVERSE will define some priority recommendations:
- Define the concepts for FAIR Digital Objects and the ecosystem.
- Implementation of the recommended FAIR principles.
- Development of FAIR Metrics for FAIR Digital Objects and FAIR Ecosystem.
- Implementation of MELODA5 principles in WATERVERSE FAIR principles.
The objectives of Work Package 5 are:
- Obtain all required local licenses and clearances for the use of the WATERVERSE WDME tools at the pilot/demonstration sites.
- Deploy instances of the integrated WATERVERSE WDME in parallel to the existing operation systems of the organisations; one in each pilot site, including purchased/adopted third-party software.
- Define a detailed pilot/demonstration plan to accommodate for two pilot iterations.
- Create training material, organize tutorials and provide a feedback mechanism to collect structured and semi-structured feedback and usage information.
- Execute the two iterations of the pilot demonstrations and collect feedback, focusing on usability tests with system operators in operational environment.
- Conduct post-pilot analysis based on the results, to evaluate the impact of the solution in economic and environmental terms and feed the finalization of the WATERVERSE product.
This Work Package is dedicated to the communication, dissemination, and exploitation of WATERVERSE project objectives and results by targeted tools and channels, as presented in Section 2.2. It will also perform clustering and outreach activities and links with standardization bodies. Additionally, this WP will develop the business plan for the exploitation of the project outputs.